

الأربعاء، 31 أكتوبر 2012

rights of mothers in islam

The Quran and Hadith on Mothers

The Quran

1. "We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth" (46:15).

2. "Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor. And out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: ‘My Lord! bestow on them Thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood' "(17:23-24).

3. "We have enjoined on man and woman kindness to parents; but if they (either of them) strive (to force) thee to join with Me anything of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not'" (29:8).

4. "We have enjoined on man and woman (to be good) to his/her parents; show gratitude to Me and to thy parents; to Me is (thy final) Goal. If they (parents) strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration) and follow the way of those who turn to Me (in love)" (31:14-15).

The Hadith

1. The Prophet Muhammad said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai).

2. A man came to the Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of God! Who among the people is the most worthy of my good companionship? The Prophet said: Your mother. The man said, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man further asked, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your mother. The man asked again, ‘Then who?' The Prophet said: Then your father. (Bukhari, Muslim).

3. Abu Usaid Saidi said: We were once sitting with Rasulullah when a man from the tribe of Salmah came and said to him: O Messenger of Allah! do my parents have rights over me even after they have died? And Rasulullah said: Yes. You must pray to Allah to bless them with His Forgiveness and Mercy, fulfill the promises they made to anyone, and respect their relations and their friends (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).

4. Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said: The major sins are to believe that Allah has partners, to disobey one's parents, to commit murder, and to bear false witness (Bukhari, Muslim).

5. It is narrated by Asma bint Abu Bakr that during the treaty of Hudaibiyah, her mother, who was then pagan, came to see her from Makkah. Asma informed the Messenger of Allah of her arrival and also that she needed help. He said: Be good to your mother (Bukhari, Muslim

Running to Remember a Mother and Her Trust in Allah

Muslims who perform the Hajj or Umra must run in the middle portion of the distance between Safa and Marwa seven times. Safa and Marwa are two hills close to the Kaba. This is a commemoration of one mother's sacrifice for her son.

That mother was Hajira (may Allah be pleased with her). Her son was the Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was Hajira's husband, and Ismail's father.

Hajira's example of sacrifice took place when she and her baby was left in the valley of Makkah by Allah's order as pioneers to start a civilization.

Here was the wife of a Prophet, the princess of the king of Egypt, left with her child in the desert. All for the sake of pleasing our Creator.

As Prophet Ibrahim headed for his next responsibility from Allah, he reached an area where Hajira and Ismail could not see him. At that point, he turned back, raising his hands in Dua and said,

"O Our Lord! I have made of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation by Your Sacred House; in order Our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits, so that they may give thanks." (Quran 14:37).

Hajira returned to her place and started drinking water from the water-skin, and her milk increased for her child.

But when she had used up all of the water, she ascended the Safa hill and looked, hoping to see somebody.

The area was empty.

She came down and then ran up to Marwa hill. She ran to and fro (between the two hills) many times, then went to check on her baby Ismail.

He was dying. And she could find no water for him or herself.

She could not watch her son perish. How could any mother?

'If I go and look, I may find somebody,' she told herself. Then she went and ascended the Safa hill and looked for a long while but could not find anybody.

In all,Hajira ran seven rounds between Safa and Marwa, in the hot, waterless valley, where her thirsty baby lay.

She told herself to go back and check on Ismail. But suddenly she heard a voice: it was the Angel Jibreel.

'Help us if you can offer any help," she said to him.

The angel hit the earth with his heel and water gushed out. Hajira was astonished and started digging. Allah, as she had rightly proclaimed, had not abandoned them.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), in the Hadith in Bukhari in which much of this incident is narrated, said, "If she (Hajira) had left the water, (flow naturally without her intervention), it would have been flowing on the surface of the earth."

Today we are bearing the fruits of this mother's struggle and sacrifice. Many of us drink and have drunk from the well of Zamzam. And those of us who have made Hajj run in a much more comfortable way than Hajira ever did, between Safa and Marwa.

Her commitment to her son, her sense of urgency and her unshakable faith in Allah in such harsh circumstances are all examples of not only what an excellent mother she was, but also what a strong believer in Allah she was.

If you're going to Hajj this year, Insha Allah, remember this incident and think of that great mother, in whose memory Muslims today run between Safa and Marwa. Also think about your own mother, and how she too, would probably have done the same for you

 Things You Can Do For Your Mom

Often, moms do virtually all of the giving and very little, if any, of the taking from their families. They may not say it, but most of them want to be appreciated in small ways. You don't have to buy them a car or a house (you could do that too), but it's the small things that count with mom.

Here are some ideas of how you can let mom know that all of her giving has and continues to be appreciated.

 Give mom a vacation

Don't think Hawaii. Think of a day away from the kitchen. Or the home. Give her a vacation from the home where for her, most of the seemingly endless housework is done daily. Or, if she doesn't want that, start doing your share around the house. Maybe you could start giving her one day of the week off, when she does no cooking or household chores. Remember, fathers and husbands work hard at the office, but they get a two-day weekend in most cases. Moms usually don't even get a full day off. And if they are also working outside, it's like two full time jobs.

 Let's hear her life story: a mom's circle

She may have read you bedtime stories when you were small, but now it's time for her to tell you a different story-about herself. Make a mom's circle at home in which you ask her to tell her life story. Mom's circle may actually turn into a project: one family member could write this up into a report, another could make a story book out of it and a third could video/audio record it. A mom's circle may become an ongoing family tradition.

 Try beating mom's cooking

While most moms ask their kids what they want to eat, turn the tables around and do the same for her. Is there special food your mom likes? Buy or prepare that food for her (if you are not the best of cooks, maybe it's safer to just buy it).

Is your mom in a nursing home

If your mom is in a nursing home, why not plan to bring her home for a weekend visit to stay with you. Even better, why not make this a weekly, or twice a month set up, so you can spend more time with her and she can be around those who really love her more often? Of course the ultimate gift will be if you can liberate her from that nursing home so she can stay in her room in your own home.

5. Arrange a mammogram for her
Every three minutes, a woman in America is diagnosed with breast cancer. That woman could be your mom.

A woman's chances of developing breast cancer increases with age. The National Cancer Institute recommends women age 40 and over be screened with mammography every one to two years. It also advises that women at higher risk of breast cancer get medical advice before they are 40 about when to begin screening and about the frequency of their screening. Do this for your mom, so you can see her spend the rest of her life in good health, Insha Allah (if God wills).

 Is your mom a bookworm

If so, buy a small cabinet and buy all of the books you can afford. Then take it to her home and set it up for her.

 If your mom is a non-Muslim

If your mom is a non-Muslim, try fasting for a day (Nafil or extra fasting), and keep thinking and praying for her. Ask Allah that He guides her and ask Him what you can do to help her understand her own Creator.

8. If your relationship has not been the best with your Mom

If your relationship with your mom has not been the best, sit down in front of a year-long calendar or planner and mark down dates and things which you can plan to improve this relationship. Start off by making a formal first appointment. Then pick dates on which you can keep contact with her and build your relationship on a regular basis.

 If mom is not alive

If your mom is not alive, visit her relatives and friends and ask what you can do for them. Consider these two Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him):

1. The Messenger of Allah said: When a person dies, his actions come to an end, except for three things: a continuing Sadaqa (charity), knowledge from which benefit is still being derived, and a righteous child who prays for her or him (translated meaning from Muslim).

2. Abu Usaid Saidi said: We were once sitting with Rasulullah when a man from the tribe of Salmah came and said to him: O Messenger of Allah! do my parents have rights over me even after they have died? And Rasulullah said:

Yes. You must pray to Allah to bless them with His Forgiveness and Mercy, fulfill the promises they made to anyone, and respect their relations and their friends (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah).

 Pick up her feet and spread the word

The Prophet Muhammad said: Your Heaven lies under the feet of your mother (Ahmad, Nasai). Ask your mom to lift her feet, so you can locate where Jannah is. Then tell others about your discovery by sharing what Islam has to say about moms and their importance in our lives.

Ask yourself 10 Questions about your mom

Sometimes, to be able to really evaluate what kind of relationship we have with our mothers, we need to ask ourselves the right questions. Here are some that can help:

1. When was the last time you visited your mom?

2. Do you think your mom is happy with you?

3. Have you ever said "Uff" to your mom?

"Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt (Uff), nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor. And out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: ‘My Lord! bestow on them Thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood' "(Quran 17:23-24).

4. What is it that your mom really wants to have?

5. How much do you know about your mom's mother?

6. What might be five things your mom really doesn't want you to do?

Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him: The major sins are to believe that Allah has partners, to disobey one's parents, to commit murder, and to bear false witness (Bukhari, Muslim).

7. What are three things that make your mom happy or sad?

8. How many minutes do you engage in "quality talk" with your mom in a week?

9. When was the last time you cooked for your mom?

10. When was the last time you gave your mom a gift?

Aisha narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Exchange gifts with one another, for they remove ill feelings from the hearts (Tirmidhi


The Islamic method of slaughtering animals

The Islamic method of slaughtering animals,
 known as Zabiha has been the object of muchcriticism from a large number of people.
Before I reply to the question, let me relate an incidence abou
t a discussion between a Sikh and a Muslim regarding animal slaughter.
one may consider the following points, which prove that the Zabiha method is not only humane but also scientifically the best:
1. Islamic method of slaughtering animal
Zakkaytum is a verb derived from the root word Zakah (to purify). Its infinitive is Tazkiyahwhich means purification. The Islamic mode of slaughtering ananimal requires the following conditions to be met:
a. Animal should be slaughtered with sharp object (knife)
The animal has to be slaughtered with a sharp object (knife) and in a fast way so that the pain of slaughter is minimised.
b. Cut wind pipe, throat and vessels of neck
Zabiha is an Arabic wordwhich means ‘slaughtered’. The ‘slaughtering’ is to be done by cutting the throat, windpipe and the blood vessels in the neck causing the animal’s death without cutting the spinal cord.
c. Blood should be drained
The blood has to be drained completely before the head is removed. The purpose is to drain out most of the blood which would serve as a good culture medium for micro organisms. The spinal cord must not be cut because the nerve fibres to the heart couldbe damaged during the process causing cardiac arrest, stagnating the blood in the blood vessels.
2. Blood is a good medium for germs and bacteria
Blood is a good media ofgerms, bacteria, toxins, etc. Therefore the Muslim way of slaughtering is more hygienic as most of the blood containing germs, bacteria, toxins, etc. that are the cause of several diseases are eliminated.
3. Meat remains fresh for a longer time
Meat slaughtered by Islamic way remains fresh for a longer time due to deficiency of blood in the meat as compared to other methods of slaughtering.
4. Animal does not feel pain
The swift cutting of vessels of the neck disconnects the flow of blood to the nerve of the brain responsible forpain. Thus the animal does not feel pain. Whiledying, the animal struggles, writhers, shakes and kicks, not due to pain, but due to the contraction and relaxation of the muscles defecient in blood and due to the flow of blood out of thebody.
By Dr. Zakir Naik

الخميس، 23 أغسطس 2012

Mohammed rule the nations by sword

Mohammed rule the nations by sword

Yes Mohammed is labored in the way of God
and published his message with his sword and his tongue ,Mohammed is prophet who rule the nations by sword  (a rod of iron), and these are some of the paragraphs that predict as Muhammad (Prophet of Islam)  in the Bible

but why

If Islam is against the war, why the Prophet Muhammad fought
Yes Islam is against the war .. But when you imposed the war against human rights the war become inevitable confrontation, to stop and eliminate the forces of tyranny and evil.   what  Jesus he has done, also Although he said
 but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.  If anyone sues you to take away your coat, let him have your cloak also. Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.

In spite of this peace, which taught to his followers,
Jesus turn to another side when he feel  with Jewish conspiracy and the forces of evil against him

Jesus said
  “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough
O Lord,Why you order  this purchase, while you blocking us from beating

This was
Jesus behavior and he did not continue his life as prophet more than three years. can we ask our self if Jesus continued aperiod of his prophet hood more than that, what would he done
 for sure he would eliminate the forces of evil in this world, as the prophets of Israel did before him, definitely will play fierce wars

Because normal instinct for any man hate bloodshed normally ... but we find out  from Adam up to now the good people with big heart are very few.

  an evil human are found with the first man known this land ...we can see pain kills Cain his brother for a woman? And when? While the number of  family members of the first human in its infancy ,no more than one's family

And for that  struggle will continue between good and evil as long as remains of the earth

 American historian  philosopher "Will Durant"  registered 3421Years of war between nation on this earth . While the years of peace is not more  than268 years.
Do you see to what extent was the power of evil? It is a catastrophe that life going on this way ..

for that reason we need we need sword and weapon to stop power of evil
Mohammed said
I have been raised between the hands of the Hour with the sword, until Allah(God) the Exalted is worshiped alone with no associates. He has provided sustenance from beneath the shadow of spears and has decreed humiliation and belittlement for those who oppose my order. And whoever resembles a people, he is of them." (Sahih al Jaami' As Sagheer 2828)

Psalm 2:9
You will rule them with an iron scepter; you will dash them to pieces like pottery."
Psalm 2:10
10Now therefore, O kings, show discernment;
         Take warning, O judges of the earth.
Psalm 2:11
 Serve the Lord with fear
    and celebrate his rule with trembling.
Psalm 45:3
Gird your sword on your thigh, O mighty one,
    in your splendor and majesty!
Psalm 45:4
In your majesty ride forth victoriously
    in the cause of truth, humility and justice;   
let your right hand achieve awesome deeds
Psalm 45:5
 Your arrows are sharp
    in the heart of the king's enemies;
    the peoples fall under you
Psalm 45:6
Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.
Psalm 45:7
7 You love righteousness and hate wickedness;
    therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions
    by anointing you with the oil of joy.
Psalm 45:8
8 All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia;
    from palaces adorned with ivory
    the music of the strings makes you glad.
Psalm 45:9
daughters of kings are among your ladies of honor;
     at your right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir
Psalm 45:12
The Daughter of Tyre will come with a gift, men of wealth will seek your favor
Mohammed, is prophet who the  kings  sent him a gifts to seek your favor

Amos 1:5
 I will break down the gate of Damascus;
    I will destroy the king who is in[a] the Valley of Aven[b]
and the one who holds the scepter in Beth Eden.
    The people of Aram will go into exile to Kir, ”
says the Lord.
Matthew 3:11-12
 I indeed baptize you in water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire:
 whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing-floor; and he will gather his wheat into the garner, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire.
 whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his threshing-floor; and he will gather his wheat into the garner, but the chaff he will burn up with unquenchable fire.

Who came that stronger than John with  fan in his hand (fan: is , a tool used to separate the wheat from a chaff.) to collect his wheat (the believers)  into the garner and a chaff will burn up with unquenchable fire.
 unbelievers and recalcitrant knowing that Christ did not collect his believers and disciples around him but they left him alone and fled,when the hour come , Christ did not fight his enemies and he did wary disbelieve will be burned with fire that is will be not extinguished
, but Muhammad collect his believers around him and fought his enemies and wary disbelieve from entering the fire will be not extinguished
Quran:God said
Whoever comes [at Judgement] with a good deed will have better than it, and they, from the terror of that Day, will be safe.
And whoever comes with an evil deed - their faces will be overturned into the Fire, [and it will be said], "Are you recompensed except for what you used to do   

Revelation 12: 5
She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.
 Revelation 19:11
 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages wa
Revelation 19:12
 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.
Revelation 19:13
He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.
Revelation 19:14
The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.
Revelation 19:15
Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.

Mohammed is the one who defeated the nations using sword to rule and Judge by  justice and equitable  - but Christ did not judged or fight - Muhammad, is one who dropped down the kingdoms and subjected Nations (the Persians , Romans ,Chinese, Arab ,Abyssinia, etc.),and therefore there were many crowns subservient to him and to his followers after him , Mohammed is only one who fought with angels in his battles, and he was fighting on a white horse with his followers behind him, in white dresses
Quran:God said
[Remember] when you asked help of your Lord, and He answered you, "Indeed, I will reinforce you with a thousand from the angels, following one another
[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.

the Faithful and True (Mohammed before he become messenger of god he was called in his tribe with honest and Trusty man) prophet, who fought with his sword and led the people by the sword in his hand (rod of iron) and fought his disbelieve with a sword that come out of his mouth ( the Quran) which order the prophet to struggle the infidels ,
Quran:God said
 (struggle too much the infidels)
 ) and i will deliver the adversaries of the unbelievers and recalcitrant to the fire, which will not be extinguished
why Mohammed rule the nations by sword
Psalm 2:10
10Now therefore, O kings, show discernment;
         Take warning, O judges of the earth.

the world before Islam It was injustice, the great kingdom and empire Romans, Persians, Egyptians and others were persecuted their own poor people.at that time a poor man and his family, and even his young children were belong to the kings and nobles and had rights to decide any thing of their life and worship, for that Mohammed came by sword to set them free and to have free selection of their life and worship,  and Mohammed was never forced the poor poor people or any one to worship his Cod , first of all before using of sword and war Mohammed sent messengers for kings and nobles but with they refused his message that telling them Justice and fairness he used the sword for Justice and freedom prevail
Quran:God said
there be no compulsion in religion   

الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2012

NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year

NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year

الاثنين، 20 أغسطس 2012

Muhammad effect of the speech

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT): Effect of the speech

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT): Effect of the speechMuhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) logical, eloquent speeches greatly impressed many of the people who heard his words. In most gatherings and public places, people talked about the new faith more than anything else. To those who had suffered from the extortion of the cruel oppressors and were tired of the injustices and inhuman conditions prevailing in Makkah, the celestial words of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) opened a door to the world of hope and prosperity and gave new life to their half dead bodies. But the selfish malevolent Quraish chiefs refused to submit to Islam, and, since Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) mentioned their deviations and faults at every opportunity, they decided to hinder this spiritual and intellectual revolution by any means possible.

Obviously, the idol worshippers and the oppressive Quraish chiefs well realized that if idolatry were abolished and all the people worshipped the One God and adopted the gainful religion of Islam, no room would be left for their extortion and oppressive rule.

Therefore, they held a council and started talks on the day's issue, trying to find ways to extinguish Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) revolution.

They reached the conclusion from their talks and exchange of views that they should all go to the house of Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib - a Quraish chief who was like a father to Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) - and ask him to prevent Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) from further activities toward propagating his faith by any means he found expedient.
Quraish complain to guardian uncle Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib

Quraish complain to guardian uncle Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-MuttalibThe chiefs of the Quraish went to Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib's house. Their speaker said to him, 'You possess a high status among us and the Quraish tribe. You are our chief, our master, and our lord. We all have great respect for your honour and high position. We have already asked you to hinder your nephew. We have told you to stop him from offending the faith of our forefathers, denouncing our idols, thoughts and beliefs. But you have not paid any attention to our demands and have not attempted to stop him. We swear by god that we will not tolerate disrespect toward our gods and denunciation of the faith and beliefs of our fathers. You must prevent him from doing these things or we will fight both he and you who support him until either you or we are killed.'

Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib tried to solve the problem peacefully, and after they had left the house, he talked to Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) about the matter, because Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) was loving his guardian uncle Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib very much. Addressing Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) remarked, 'Allah (SWT) has selected me to be His Messenger. He has given me a message so as to lift the people from degradation. He has given me a message for me to call the people to worship only One God. Allah has ordered me to prevent the people from idol-worship and oppression. I swear by Almighty Allah (SWT) that even if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, and in return, demand of me to quit the propagation of Islam and pursuance of my divine aim, I will never do what they want me to. I am determined to carry on my duty toward Allah (SWT) to the last moment of my life, even if it means losing my life. I am strongly determined to attain my goal.'

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) left his uncle's house sadly. Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib called him and said, 'I swear by God that I will not quit supporting you and will not let them hurt you'. Almighty Allah (SWT) brought his great protection to the attention of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) with the descending of the following verse which says: "Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?" (Noble Qur'an, 93:6)
Obstacles on the Way and the Tortures Inflicted by the Quraish

Miracle of Termites eating the Accord, hung inside KaabaFrom the very day Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) started his public propagation of Islam, the Quraish chiefs resorted to any means to silence him.

As usual, they first began with attempts to lure him and tried hard to get him interested in wealth, status, and other material benefits that they promised to give him if he submitted to their ungodly will, and, after realizing that this method was of no use in their dealing with him, they attempted to threaten and then to torment and torture him.

Thus a new stage - an exceedingly troublesome phase - started in the blessed life of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT). The enemies of Islam, who had well understood that the triumph and rule of Islam would surely put an end to their law of the sword, tyrannies, and exploitation of the deprived people, launched their combat against Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) most brutally and ruthlessly, discarding all moral and humane principles - if they had any - and taking up the arms of rancour and cruelty so that they could hamper the spread of Islam and guard the interests of the Quraish chiefs and men of power.

Of course it cannot be denied that one of the reasons for the opposition of the people of that age to the perfect faith of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) was their intellectual immaturity. But from the very day the Quraish tribe heard that Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) called the idols and wooden and stone statues they worshipped valueless and useless, they exhibited the utmost enmity and opposition toward Islam. Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) asked the people, 'what do you want with these lifeless objects?' They were even more enraged when Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) denounced the wooden and stone idols of the Quraish left to them by their ancestors, which they regarded among their ancient glories.

On the other hand, the divine teachings of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) were inconsistent with the interests of the oppressive class of the chiefs of the Quraish who wanted to continue exploiting the poor people and possessing innumerable slaves, as well as with the interests and inhumane desires of the usurers who wished to amass wealth at the expense of the deprived class of their society.

It goes without saying that in an environment where no divine law is obeyed and no human right is respected, the strong will forcibly violate the honour, property, and chastity of the defenseless people, and so the new faith - Islam - which severely opposed and fought this wrong social system, enraged those whose interests and selfish considerations were endangered.

Such notorious people as Abu Jahl, Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, Abu Lahab ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, Aswad ibn Abd Yaghwan, As ibn Wail, Utbah and Shaybah, Walid ibn Maghirah, and Aqibah ibn Abi Ma'ayyat were among the leaders of the opponents of Islam.

Cruel, false accusations, physical torment, foul language, economic and financial pressure and boycotts were among the inhumane methods used by the Quraish chiefs against Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and his faithful companions.

Here some examples of the offences and torments which the enemies of Islam inflicted upon Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) are mentioned:

1. One day a number of Quraish gave the uterus of a sheep to their servants to throw at the blessed face and head of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT). They obeyed their brutal master, thus making Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) rather sad.

Another day they threw camel's guts on him while he was prostrating in prayer. Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) remained in prostration, perhaps waiting for one of the Muslims to pass by and take the dirt off his back. His daughter Fatima al-Zahra (sa) was walking by when she saw him. With tears in her eyes, she removed the dirt from his back. He said to her, "Don't cry my daughter, the Almighty Allah (SWT) will honour His religion and grant your father victory."

2. Tariq Maharibi has narrated, I saw Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) saying in a loud voice to the people, "O people! Say there is no god but God so you would find salvation."

He urged the people to submit to Islam and become monotheists while Abu Lahab ibn Abd Al-Muttalib followed him step by step and threw stones at him injuring him so that his feet were covered with blood, but Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) continued to guide the people and show them the path of eternal salvation and prosperity. Abu Lahab ibn Abd Al-Muttalib cried out, "People! This man is a liar. Do not listen to him."

3. In addition, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT), as well as his loyal friends and those who had newly adopted Islam were most severely tortured and tormented by the infidels.

One day, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) observed Ammar Yasir and his family being tortured by the enemies of Islam. Addressing Ammar and his faithful family, he said, 'I give you, Ammar's family, the good tidings that Paradise will be your eternal abode.'

Ibn Athir has written, Ammar and his parents suffered severe tortures from the idol worshippers. The idol worshippers forced them out of their house in the hot burning weather and tortured them under the burning rays of the sun, inflicting the most unbearable tortures upon them so that they would leave the faith.

Sumayyah, Ammar's mother, was the first woman martyr of Islam, killed by a blow from Abu Jahl's weapon. Yasir, Ammar's father, too, died under the torture of the infidels. Ammar himself was most cruelly tortured by the enemies of Islam but resorted to dissimulation and thus saved his own life.

Tortures Inflicted by the Quraish4. Bilal ibn Rabah, an Ethiopian slave, was among Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) most faithful followers and, because of his faith in Islam, his ruthless master brutally tortured him. At midday when it is scorching hot, his master would make Bilal ibn Rabah lie down on the burning hot desert pebbles and sand and put a large and heavy stone on his chest to force him to stop obeying Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and to worship their idols instead of worshipping the One God.

The torture of which is, needless to say, beyond endurance, but Bilal ibn Rabah resisted all his threats and tortures most bravely and admirably and responded just by repeating the word 'Ahad' (One), meaning 'God is One and Peerless and I will never become an idol worshipper.'

In fact Bilal ibn Rabah, as well as many other faithful Muslims at the beginning of Islam, suffered a great deal from the enemies of Islam who had aimed most obstinately at the destruction of Islam. All of them tolerated all the pains and torture and did not leave their faith even for a single moment. We see therefore very clearly how the accusation that Islam prevailed by force and by the law of the sword is false and far from the truth.

Economic struggle: The Quraish had started a fierce economic struggle against Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and his followers. One of the inhumane weapons they used against the Muslims was economic pressure and boycott of any sort of transactions with the Muslims. Bani Hashim and Bani Abd Al-Muttalib joined Abu Talib after the boycott was enforced and withdrew to a narrow glen or wadi known as Sheb Abi Talib. It was the seventh year of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) mission. Weeks and months had passed, and the people of Hashim lived in misery and hunger. The ban was so rigorously enforced that Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) clan was reduced to eating acacia leaves and the cries of hungry children reverberated all over the valley.

When the period of confinement had lengthened to nearly three years (between 616-619CE), Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said one day to Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib that Allah (SWT) had revealed to him that the agreement to which Quraish had subscribed against them, which is hanging on the inside wall of Kaaba, had been so severely damaged by ants that of the writing only the name of Allah had remained legible. Thereupon Abu Talib ibn Abd Al-Muttalib went to Kaaba, where several Quraish were in conclave, and addressed them as follows: 'How long will you continue to conform to the conditions of your brutal agreement? My nephew has told me that Allah (SWT) has wiped out the whole of the agreement except His own name. Let us examine the agreement to discover whether what my nephew has said is correct.' Some of those present endorsed what he had said and the original of the agreement was fetched and on examination it was found that with the exception of the name of God with which it began, the rest of the writing had become undecipherable. In other words it was a miracle that Termites eats up the Accord. In consequence of this significant discovery, some of the chiefs of Quraish, felt that this cruel and unnatural agreement should be terminated.

Psychological warfare: Prohibiting of marriage with Muslims, cutting off all relations with them from the Quraish. Accused Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) of witchcraft, sorcery doing traits and tricks by not withstanding his Miracles. Accused Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) as being poet by not withstanding the eloquence of Qura'nic verses. Accused Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) as being crazy to avoid children going near him, and the like were psychological tactics meant to break down the resistance and perseverance of the first Muslims.

Physical torment and torture: Another anti-human method of fighting the new movement and its adherents used by the Quraish was physical torture of the Muslims, which resulted in the martyrdom of a number of faithful Muslims at the beginning of Islam.

In spite of all the brutal methods that the infidel Quraish utilized in their struggles against Islam, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and the Muslims, Islam advanced and Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) continued to urge the people to go the right way. Islam and the Muslims continued their efforts and struggles.

To maintain their faith in Islam, the Muslims underwent extremely severe torture, sufferings, and hardships and showed admirable resistance in following this honorable path.

A careful and just survey of the conditions of the Muslims at the beginning of Islam reveals the significant fact that, unlike the picture the enemies of Islam have always tried to present, Islam, this holiest of faith, has not been promoted at the point of the bayonet or by the sword, but for 13 years, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and the faithful Muslims tolerated the tortures, torments, and swords of the infidels and the idol worshippers to promote this divine religion revealed by Allah (SWT) for their salvation.
Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) visit to Taif

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) visit to TaifGuardian Uncle Hazrat Abu Talib (as) and Khadija tul Kubra (sa) were the main supporters of the Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT). It was so destined that they passed away within a few days of each other, on the 10th year of the Proclamation of Islam in 619 CE, leaving the Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) to lament the bereavement. Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) had lost a caring uncle and a loving wife.

The enemies were now relieved, because Hazrat Abu Talib (as) was no more to protect. A few days after Hazrat Abu Talib's (as) death, when Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) was once passing through a lane, a woman emptied her garbage from a window upon his head. He returned home with his head soiled. His young daughter Fatima al-Zahra (sa) sat beside him, consoling and washing off the dirt.

As things became intolerable in Makkah, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) decided to move to Taif, a town about sixty miles east of Makkah, along with his adopted son Zaid ibn Harithah, where he thought he would convey the message of Allah (SWT) to the tribe of Thaqeef. Taif was known for its pleasant climate and beautiful scenery.

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) knew very well that people at Taif were no different from Makkans. They also idols worshippers and were in constant contact with the people in Makkah. But he did not despair. As he entered Taif, and proclaimed his prophethood, people jeered at him. One said: "God did not find anyone else for His message except you?" Another said: "I must be naive or a thief if I believed you to be a prophet." And so it went on.

Then in order to prevent him from preaching Islam, people of Taif set a group of children and vagabonds behind him. They pestered him and threw stones at him. It was Imam Ali (as) who protected Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and drove the stone throwing children away from Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT). Zaid ibn Harithah, noticed that there was so much blood in the Prophet's shoes that his feet were stuck. Tired, forsaken and wounded, he sought refuge in a nearby garden. It belonged to Atabah and Shaibah, two wealthy chiefs of Quraish. They were both there when Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) entered and sat under a distant tree. He was alone. Then he raised his face towards heaven and prayed:

"O Allah (SWT)! I raise unto you my complaint for my weakness, my helplessness, and for the ridicule to which I have been subjected. O Merciful of all the Merciful! You are the Master of all oppressed people, You are my God! So to whom would You consign me? To the strangers who would ill-treat me, or to the enemies who have an upper hand over me? If whatever has befallen me is not because of Your wrath, then I fear not. No doubt, the field of Your security and care is wide enough for me. I seek refuge in Your light which illuminates darkness and straightens the affairs of this world and hereafter, that Your displeasure and wrath may not descend upon me. For the sake of Your pleasure, I remain pleased and resigned to my fate. No change in this world occurs without Your Will."

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) remained optimistic about the situation and the future. When Allah (SWT) sent angels who gave him a choice to destroy the people of Taif for the way they had treated this Messenger of Allah (SWT), his response was this: "No, I hope that Allah (SWT) will bring out from their offspring people who worship Him alone and associate no partners with Him."

Atabah and Shaibah were watching. They sent for their servant named Addas and gave him a plate full of grapes. "Take this to that man under the tree," they ordered.

Addas was a Christian. He brought the grapes to Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and bid him eat. As Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) picked a bunch he said: "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim," (In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate). Addas had never heard this before. He was impressed by it, because the man was invoking mercy and compassion of Allah (SWT) in spite of his desolate state.

"I am the Prophet of Allah (SWT)." Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) replied.

"Where do you come from?" Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) asked.

"I am Addas, a Christian. I come from Nineveh." Addas replied.

"Nineveh? You come from a place where my brother Yunus bin Mati (Jonah) lived," Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said.

"What do you know of Yunus bin Mati? Here no one seems to know him. Even in Nineveh there were hardly few people who knew his father's name."

Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: "Yes, I know him because just like me, he was a Prophet of Allah (SWT)."

Addas fell on his knees before Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT), kissed his hand and embraced Islam.
Why Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) is called as Rahmatul-Lil-Alameen?

Rahmatul-Lil-Alameen (mercy to the worlds)One day, the Archangel Jibraeel visited Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) who was in the state of sadness. On inquiring the cause, he said that he was grieved at the violence and falsehood of infidels. Shall I give you proof - said the angel - that Allah (SWT) has subjected all things to you? Do you wish to know in what estimation the Most High holds you?

Call that tree. It came near Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and made a prostration, and at the command of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) returned to its place. The angel Ishmaeel, the Regent of the First Heaven now descended and saluting Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said, My Lord has commanded me to obey you implicitly in everything. If you order, I will pour the stars upon your enemies and burn them. The angel of the sun appeared and offered to consume Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) enemies by bringing the sun upon their heads. The angel of earth proposed to have them swallowed up by the opening ground. The angel of the mountains wished to hurl all the mountains on them, and the angel of the ocean asked permission to drown them beneath the mighty waves of the sea.

After having first demanded of these angels if they were all commanded to aid him, and receiving an affirmative answer, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) raised his blessed face towards heaven and said, I am not sent to inflict judgment but enjoined to be the Mercy of the Universe. As we shall observe, this is why even rocks prayed to Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) for intercession.

الأحد، 19 أغسطس 2012

الجمعة، 17 أغسطس 2012

The Bible isn't the word of God

The Bible isn't the word of God. It contains the word of God
by Matt Slick

One of the objections raised by critics of biblical inspiration is that the Bible is not the word of God but that it contains the word of God.  Is this accurate?  No.  First of all, this doesn't fit what the Bible says about itself.  The collection of 66 books that the Christian Church recognized as being inspired speaks as the very words of God in many places.

    "Thus says the Lord" occurs over 400 times in the Old Testament.
    "God said" occurs 42 times in the Old Testament and four times in the New Testament.
    "God spoke" occurs 9 times in the Old Testament and 3 times in the New Testament.
    "The Spirit of the Lord spoke" through people in 2 Sam. 23:2; 1 Kings 22:24; 2 Chron. 20:14.

Of course, the errantists (those who say the Bible in its original documents had errors) will reject these scriptures' accuracy; that is, they will deny that God's word is without error -- even in the originals.
If appealing to the Bible in a general sense isn't good enough.  Let's consider that Jesus said the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms (all of the Old Testament) were Scripture and that the Scriptures cannot be broken, cannot fail (John 10:35).

Some might say that there are instances of verses that "contain" God's word, but that it doesn't mean the Bible is God's word.  The problem is addressed by Jesus.

    Luke 24:44-45, "Now He said to them, 'These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.' 45 Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. "

Notice that Jesus speaks about what is written regarding him in the Old Testament.  Then Luke writes that Jesus opened their mind to understand the Scriptures.  What Scriptures?  The Law (Moses), the Prophets, and the Psalms.  This was a common designation for the Old Testament.  Therefore, Jesus says that the written form of the Old Testament is Scripture.  Jesus goes on to deal with the religious leaders who would violate these Scriptures which he called "the word of God."

        Matt 15:6, "he is not to honor his father or his mother. And thus you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition."
        Mark 7:13, "thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down; and you do many things such as that.”
        John 10:35 “If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken)."

Jesus never said the scriptures contain the word of God.  He said they were the word of God.  Therefore, we can see that the word of God is the written form of Scripture.  In fact, we are told by Paul not to exceed what is written.  Note, Paul doesn't say to not exceed the parts of the scripture that contain God's word, he says not to exceed what is written!

    1 Cor. 4:6, "Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that in us you might learn not to exceed what is written, in order that no one of you might become arrogant in behalf of one against the other."

It is the written form that is proclaimed as being Scripture, unbreakable, the word of God, and the standard of which we are not to exceed.  This can only be true, if the written form is the Word of God, not just something that subjectively contains the word of God.
What does it mean to be the Word of God?

The Bible is full of citations where it quotes God.  However, it also has citations of non-inspired individuals, such as Judas, Herod, etc.  Satan, for example, lied when addressing Eve in The Garden of Eden.  This means that the Bible contains a record of a lie.  But how can such an error be included in the Word of God and still have the word of God be inerrant, since a lie is an error?

The answer is that the Bible inerrantly records the lie.  It makes no mistakes in its reporting of events, in its proclamation of truth, and in its revelation of God's will.  Where it may record the lies, failures, deception, etc. of various individuals, it does so perfectly and without error.  Likewise, when it records historical events, genealogies, etc., it does so using the idioms and cultural norms of the time -- yet it is without error.

Jesus acknowledged this when he said that the Word of God, the Scripture, cannot be broken.  This means that it cannot fail.  Why? because the written form of the word of God, which is Scripture, is inspired; and because it is inspired, it cannot fail, it must be fulfilled. Remember, Jesus called the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms (all of the Old Testament) Scripture and he says that the Scriptures cannot be broken, cannot fail.  He was obviously referring to the written form of the Old Testament:

        Luke 24:44-45, "Now He said to them, 'These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.' 45 Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures."
        John 10:35 “If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken)."

If a citation of a city was incorrect, is that not a failure of Scripture?  If a date is wrong, is that not a failure of scripture?  Likewise, would not an error in a fact likewise be a failure in the Scripture?  Of course it would!  But Jesus says the Scriptures cannot be broken.  They cannot fail.  Is Jesus wrong?
Is the New Testament also Scripture?

It should go without saying that the New Testament is also Scripture.  The early church recognized the New Testament documents as being authentic and inspired and included them in the canon of Scripture along with the Old Testament.  In fact, Paul recognized the authority that his words had in the church.  Take for example what he said to the Colossians.

    Col. 4:16, "And when this letter is read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and you, for your part read my letter that is coming from Laodicea."1

Likewise, Peter made an interesting comment about Paul's writings when he said,

    "as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction," (2 Pet. 3:16).

Peter called Paul's writings Scripture.  In turn, Paul called Scriptures "God-breathed," and Jesus said the Scriptures cannot fail.
Scripture is God-breathed

2 Tim. 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." The word "inspired" is literally "God-breathed."  This is an interesting phrase, since it implies that the Scriptures are from the mouth of God.

Likewise, Peter says in 2 Pet. 1:21, "for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God."  Notice that Peter is stating that prophecy is not the product of human will.  Instead, prophecy occurs by those moved by the Holy Spirit.

God spoke through the mouth of the prophets.  We see in Acts 3:18, "But the things which God announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that His Christ should suffer, He has thus fulfilled."  Clearly, Luke, the writer of Acts, understood the Old Testament Scriptures to be spoken by God through the prophets.  In fact, we find other references to the Old Testament referring to God speaking through the prophets.

        Words spoken through the prophet Jeremiah are referenced in Matt. 2:17, 27:9.
        Words spoken through the prophet Isaiah are referenced in Matt. 1:22, 8:17; John 12:37-40.
        Words spoken through the prophets Moses and Hosea are referenced in Matt. 2:15.
        Words spoken through the prophet David are referenced in Matt. 13:34-35.
        Words spoken through the prophet Zechariah are referenced in Matt. 21:4.
        Words spoken through the prophets generically are referenced in Matt. 26:56.

Because the prophets speak for God, write Scripture, and make prophecies, the Scriptures must be fulfilled.  It is the written Scriptures that are referenced here.  It is not some vague and ambiguous reference to some areas of the Bible that "contain" the word of God.
The problem of subjectivity

If the Bible contains the word of God, but is not the word of God, then we must ask which parts of the Bible are the Word of God and which are not?  The problem in answering this question is that the one who seeks to do so inadvertently places himself as the judge of what is and what is not inspired and without error.  But by what standard would such a person make such judgment?
What about the numerous contradictions in the Bible?

It is true that there are difficulties with in the Word of God.  But these are due to copying errors through the centuries.  As more and more historical, archaeological, and manuscript evidence is uncovered, the fewer Bible difficulties there are.  Nevertheless, for an examination of answers to the alleged Bible contradictions,  .

When claims that the Bible contains the word of God but is not the word of God are made, it is done so usually because the critic of inspiration wants to assert that the original documents in the Bible contained errors.  The problem is that this undermines the very trustworthiness of God's Word.  How are we to decide what is and is not inspired, and therefore true, if the very breath of God moving through a sinner results in documents with mistakes?  Does this inspire trust in God's Word?  Does it promote security and rest in believing God's Word?  Obviously not.

This undermines the faith of Christians and is, naturally, a dangerous and false teaching. 

American Church Hosts Iftar Dinner For Muslims After Arson Attack on Mosque

American Church Hosts Iftar Dinner For

Muslims After Arson Attack on Mosque

Published by OnIslam Newspapers

CAIRO – Extending help to their fellow Muslim neighbors, churches in a Missouri city have come together to host an Iftar for Joplin local Muslim community after their mosque was burnt down in an arson fire.

“The Council on American-Islamic Relations needed a place,” Father Frank Sierra, rector of Saint Philip’s Episcopal Church, told Christian Post. “They were going to come down in support of the Muslim community and they asked us.”

Mosque Arson Shocks Missouri Faith Leaders

The iftar, which marks the end of a fasting day in Ramadan, was held Wednesday evening at Saint Philip’s Episcopal Church. In addition to St. Philip’s, other Joplin congregations involved in the iftar included South Joplin Christian Church, United Hebrew Congregation, First Community Church and Peace Lutheran Church.

“We have worked with them before on interfaith events that we’ve had with them … It turned out that we, our parish house was best,” Sierra added.

The mosque in southeast Missouri was burned to the ground early Monday in the second arson attack on the Muslim worship place in a month. The mosque’s roof was previously destroyed in a similar arson attack on July 4. No injuries were reported in Monday’s attack, but the building of the Islamic Society of Joplin was a total loss after the blaze.

Immediate investigations were launched by the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and the Jasper County Sheriff’s department. CAIR has recently offered a $10,000 reward for any information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the guilty party.

The arson fire at the Joplin mosque followed the deadly shooting at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin.

“These disturbing incidents point to the urgent need for increased police protection for Muslim and Sikh houses of worship nationwide,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. “If left unchallenged, religious intolerance can and does harm innocent people.”


The Iftar was not the only help offered by the Muslim community as a fundraiser event was planned to reconstruct the burnt mosque.

“At this point in time,” said Sierra, “we are having a group of clergy and churches … we are working on a response that would be an official statement and then we are going to have a fundraiser” to benefit the Islamic Society of Joplin. “At this point, we want to do some type of response, but we are trying to plan it to get as many people involved as possible and to be open to anyone who wants to participate.”

All across the US, mosques have been facing fierce opposition recently. At least 35 mosque projects — from Mississippi to Wisconsin — have found foes who battle to stop them from seeing light citing different pretexts, including traffic concerns and fear of terrorism. Even more, some mosques were vandalized including a 2011 Wichita mosque arson case.

In multicultural New York, a proposed mosque near Ground Zero site has snowballed into a national public and political debate, with opponents arguing that the Muslim building would be an insult to the memory of the 9/11 victims.

Advocates, however, say that the mosque would send a message of tolerance in 9/11-post America.

الخميس، 16 أغسطس 2012

Spirit of tolerance in Islam

Spirit of tolerance in Islam
Islam was in the beginning call people in the best manner to  worship only one  God  without an intermediary(  this real Massage of  Muhammad ) , and his own tribe of Quraysh worshiped idols and wooden and stone statues so as to bring them closer to God
the effect of the speech of Muhammad, logical, eloquent speeches greatly impressed many of the people who heard his words. In most gatherings and public places, people talked about the new faith more than anything else. To those who had suffered from the extortion of the cruel oppressors and were tired of the injustices and inhuman conditions prevailing in Makkah, the celestial words of Muhammad, The Messenger of god(SWT) opened a door to the world of hope and prosperity and gave new life to their half dead bodies. But the selfish malevolent Quraish chiefs refused to submit to Islam, and, since Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) mentioned their deviations and faults at every opportunity, they decided to hinder this spiritual and intellectual revolution by any means possible

Obviously, the idol worshipers and the oppressive Quraish chiefs well realized that if idolatry were abolished and all the people worshiped the One God and adopted the gainful religion of Islam, no room would be left for their extortion and oppressive rule

Therefore, they held a council and started talks on the day's issue, trying to find ways to extinguish Mohammed revolution,that tale them to  worship only one  God 

Thus a new stage - an exceedingly troublesome phase - started in the blessed life of Muhammad, The Messenger. The enemies of Islam, who had well understood that the triumph and rule of Islam would surely put an end to their law of the sword, tyrannies, and exploitation of the deprived people, launched their combat against Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) most brutally and ruthlessly, discarding all moral and humane principles - if they had any - and taking up the arms of rancour and cruelty so that they could hamper the spread of Islam and guard the interests of the Quraish chiefs and men of power.
they decided to finish new religion by torturing the new followers,The idol worshipers forced them out of their house in the hot burning weather and tortured them under the burning rays of the sun, inflicting the most unbearable tortures upon them so that they would leave the fith ,Sumayyah, Ammar's mother, was the first woman martyr of Islam, killed by a blow from Abu Jahl's weapon. Yasir, Ammar's father, too, died under the torture ,
In fact ,  many other faithful Muslims at the beginning of Islam, suffered a great deal from the enemies of Islam who had aimed most obstinately at the destruction of Islam. All of them tolerated all the pains and torture and did not leave their faith even for a single moment. We see therefore very clearly how the accusation that Islam prevailed by force and by the law of the sword is false and far from the truth.

Here some examples of the offenses and torments which the enemies of Islam inflicted upon Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) are mentioned:

1. One day a number of Quraish gave the uterus of a sheep to their servants to throw at the blessed face and head of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT). They obeyed their brutal master, thus making Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) rather sad.

Another day they threw camel's guts on him while he was prostrating in prayer. Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) remained in prostration, perhaps waiting for one of the Muslims to pass by and take the dirt off his back. His daughter Fatima al-Zahra (sa) was walking by when she saw him. With tears in her eyes, she removed the dirt from his back. He said to her, "Don't cry my daughter, the Almighty Allah (SWT) will honour His religion and grant your father victory."

2. Tariq Maharibi has narrated, I saw Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) saying in a loud voice to the people, "O people! Say there is no god but God so you would find salvation."

He urged the people to submit to Islam and become monotheists while Abu Lahab ibn Abd Al-Muttalib followed him step by step and threw stones at him injuring him so that his feet were covered with blood, but Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) continued to guide the people and show them the path of eternal salvation and prosperity. Abu Lahab ibn Abd Al-Muttalib cried out, "People! This man is a liar. Do not listen to him."

3. In addition, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT), as well as his loyal friends and those who had newly adopted Islam were most severely tortured and tormented by the infidels.

Economic struggle: The Quraish had started a fierce economic struggle against Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and his followers. One of the inhumane weapons they used against the Muslims was economic pressure and boycott of any sort of transactions with the Muslims. Bani Hashim and Bani Abd Al-Muttalib joined Abu Talib after the boycott was enforced and withdrew to a narrow glen or wadi known as Sheb Abi Talib. It was the seventh year of Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) mission. Weeks and months had passed, and the people of Hashim lived in misery and hunger. The ban was so rigorously enforced that Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah's (SWT) clan was reduced to eating acacia leaves and the cries of hungry children reverberated all over the valley.

Psychological warfare: Prohibiting of marriage with Muslims, cutting off all relations with them from the Quraish. Accused Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) of witchcraft, sorcery doing traits and tricks by not withstanding his Miracles. Accused Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) as being poet by not withstanding the eloquence of Qura'nic verses. Accused Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) as being crazy to avoid children going near him, and the like were psychological tactics meant to break down the resistance and perseverance of the first Muslims.

Physical torment and torture: Another anti-human method of fighting the new movement and its adherents used by the Quraish was physical torture of the Muslims, which resulted in the martyrdom of a number of faithful Muslims at the beginning of Islam.

In spite of all the brutal methods that the infidel Quraish utilized in their struggles against Islam, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and the Muslims, Islam advanced and Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) continued to urge the people to go the right way. Islam and the Muslims continued their efforts and struggles.

To maintain their faith in Islam, the Muslims underwent extremely severe torture, sufferings, and hardships and showed admirable resistance in following this honorable path.

A careful and just survey of the conditions of the Muslims at the beginning of Islam reveals the significant fact that, unlike the picture the enemies of Islam have always tried to present, Islam, this holiest of faith, has not been promoted at the point of the bayonet or by the sword, but for 13 years, Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah (SWT) and the faithful Muslims tolerated the tortures, torments, and swords of the infidels and the idol worshippers to promote this divine religion revealed by Allah (SWT) for their salvation

the  permission verses

   With all this harm to the Muslims from killing, torture and expulsion from their homes to Quran came to give  them the permission to defend themselves but do not transgress

     Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them;

To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight) because they are wronged― and verily, Allah is Most powerful for their aid
Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And had there not been Allah's repelling some people by others, certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah's name is much remembered; and surely Allah will help him who helps His cause; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.
Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not love transgressors
Do not kill women, or children, or old men, or whoever meets you with peace and restraining his hand (from fighting). For, indeed, if you did that, you would certainly have transgressed

Do not transgress by starting the fighting, or by fighting those who are protected by a peace treaty, or by ambushing those who have not been called (to Islam or a peace treaty), or by mutilation (of the enemy), or by fighting whomever it is prohibited from fighting

This verse means, “Fight for the sake of Allah
who fight you and do not transgress,” such as committing prohibitions. Al-Hasan Al-Basri  said “transgression” means “mutilating the dead, theft, killing women, children and old people who do not participate in warfare, killing priests and residents of houses of worship, burning down trees and killing animals without real benefit.” This is also the opinion of Ibn Abbas, Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz, Muqatil ibn Hayyan and others

The Prophet said
Indeed, after me there will be conflicts or affairs, so if you are able to end them in peace, then do so
Do not wish to meet the enemy, but if you meet them, then be steadfast
Whoever kills a person protected by a treaty will never smell the fragrance of Paradise, and indeed its fragrance can be found a distance of forty years of travel.

“Whoever killed a protected person,” as displayed in the report, the meaning is whoever has a treaty with the Muslims is the same as one who pays compensation (tribute) or who has a truce with the Muslim authorities or who has the trust of a single Muslim

John Kelsay, professor of religion at Florida State University, writes:

    It is fairly common for Sunni “modernists” to argue that the Quran’s teachings on Jihad allows for the use of military force only in the case of a defense of Islamic territory or values. The treatise of Mahmud Shaltut on The Koran and Fighting (published in 1948), for example, presents the thought of a formidable Sunni scholar, eventually the Shaykh of Al-Azhar, the leading spokesman for “establishment Islam” in Egypt. Shaltut’s tract is clearly apologetic in nature, but it nevertheless makes a powerful case for an interpretation of the Quran verses on fighting that focuses on the defense of the Islamic community. Fighting cannot be an essential part of the Islamic mission, argues Shaltut, for the heart of Muhammad’s mission is to bring good tidings and to warn humanity. That being the case, the mission of the Muslim community focuses on persuasion. Fighting is justified only in cases of defense, which Shaltut identifies with efforts “to stop aggression, to protect the Mission of Islam, and to defend religious freedom.”

[Kelsay, J. (1993). Islam and war: A study in comparative ethics. Louisville, Ky: Westminster/John Knox Press. p. 40].

Majid Khadduri, founder of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Middle East Studies, writes:

    The Jihad, it will be recalled, was regarded as Islam’s instrument to transform the territory of war into the territory of Islam. If that end had ever been achieved, the territory of war would have been reduced to non-existence and the raison d’etre (purpose) of Jihad, except perhaps for combating Islam’s internal enemies, would have eventually disappeared. We may argue, therefore, that in Islamic legal theory, the ultimate objective of Islam was not war per se (in itself), but the ultimate establishment of peace. This may be regarded as another reason why the Jihad was not made, as it has been by the Kharijites, the sixth pillar of faith, since in theory it was merely a temporary instrument to establish ultimate peace, rather than a permanent article of the faith.

    [Khadduri, M. (1955). War and peace in the law of Islam. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. p. 141

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