

السبت، 20 أبريل 2013

why we hate America

why we hate America

we do not hate American nation but we hate the
 American departments for real reason,start from the last century up to now , more than 40 years  America is working against our interests and rights ,America has helped Israel in all the wars against us ,America support Israel with all Dirty weapons ,money and Veto in the Security Council to kill Palestinians and keep their land under Israel Occupation for ever, against humanity, and against Security Council resolutions, which spent the partition of Palestine state for both Jewish and Palestinians as two equal states,America suck our oil,through our illegal rulers that supported by America to keep us In life of a non-democratic, so as to steal more and more our oil and keeping our petro dollar in American banks
American departments belief we have no right to live as human, they belief we are very cheap, how many killed in Gaza, how many killed in Afghanistan ,how many killed and rape Iraq by dirty American hand, no one can punish America, but we are the victim must be punished,America stand on its supper power to divide our countries as it did in Sudan
American people must realize that we not hate them ,and we fell deep sorrow with any American killed by Muslim hand

why American departments hate us

America governed by the Jewish lobby,)(read History of the beguiling Jews) which works only for the benefit of Israel they took over all U.S. institutions, corporations and organizations they have controlled all  American life(any U.S. official offends Muslims is a friend to Jews and must supported by Jewish lobby and any one stand with right of Muslims in Palestine considered as enemy of the Jews and Semitism should be tried( so they create hate against Muslims ) ), they control White House , Congress and And media,and start fighting against Muslims and Islam with big false propaganda (Islamophobia) to tarnish Muslims image in American life, and that  Act really  succeeded in America,and most of American began to dislike us(we will not say hate us but we say dislike us cause American they do not know the truth of Jewish state) and for that, we did not find real sympathy from American nation about our Occupied Land and children who kill by Israel under occupation ,Obama realized that and try to change this case but he collided by strong Jewish lobby which make him to drop back   
Israel crime in Palestine supported by America

we are less important 

American crime in Iraq we are less important
American crime in Iraq we are less important

American crime in Iraq we are less important

American crime in Afghanistan

We ask where the conscience of the world where the conscience of the American people
still there good people have to be mentioned  that we will never hate them

we will never hate you

we will never hate you

we will never hate you
we will never hate you

we will never hate you

we will never hate you

we fell deep sorrow for you god bless you

read more
History of the beguiling Jews 
MUST WATCH Israel Did 9-11 Jewish Ex-Marine SPEAKS 
Top Ten Ways Islamic Law forbids Terrorism 
Don't Hate ISLAM Watch this video

الثلاثاء، 2 أبريل 2013

Honouring Rachel Corrie, 10 years on

rachel corrie
Rachel Corrie’s murder  (Joseph Smith)
An Israeli court ruled in the past hour or so that neither the State nor the IDF is responsible for the death of Rachel Corrie.  In fact, the judge claims that she herself was responsible.  This is a case brought by Corrie’s parents, Craig and Cindy, in which they sought damages from the Israeli State for the negligence of the army in killing her when a bulldozer ran her over as she was protecting a home in Gaza from demolition.

Here is but one eyewitness report of what happened:

    “She was standing on top of a pile of earth,” fellow activist and eyewitness Richard Purssell, from Brighton, said at the time. “The driver cannot have failed to see her. As the blade pushed the pile, the earth rose up. Rachel slid down the pile. It looks as if her foot got caught. The driver didn’t slow down; he just ran over her. Then he reversed the bulldozer back over her again.”

It will come as small comfort that the judge ruled that the Corries will not have to pay the costs of the State in defending the case.

Israel-cheerleader and U.S. ambassador Dan Shapiro has publicly discussed the weakness of the Israeli investigation, though his statement appears to be more throwing a sop to the family than actually taking a meaningful position.  In that regard, the British government after the murders of Tom Hurndall and James Miller actually threatened diplomatic sanctions against Israel if it did not pursue a settlement and punishment of those who killed their citizens.  The result was a court case in which one killer was tried (and acquitted) and another civil case in one of the families was paid handsomely for their suffering.

Not in a million years will Shapiro or Obama take any similar position on behalf of the Corries.  But I would urge them to try.  This government is a sham.  A sham of justice.  A sham of pro-Israel sophistry.  Even Tony Blair’s government and a Jewish attorney general wouldn’t stand for their nation to be insulted by Israel’s murder of its citizens and the resulting mock investigation (or should I say mockery investigation). Obama could care less.  He’s got bigger fish to fry.  To win an election.  To stop a war (maybe).  What does the suffering of one family matter?

To any reader who thinks to fulminate here about Corrie’s responsibility for her own death, over the coming days I’m going to be writing at least one and perhaps more posts recounting the depositions of those IDF officers responsible for Rachel’s death.  Even if Israeli justice will absolve them, I won’t.   History won’t.  Most of you readers won’t.

الاثنين، 1 أبريل 2013

Anti-Islam Dutch politician converts to Islam

Anti-Islam Dutch politician converts to Islam

Anti-Islam DornAden Tribune – The member of Hague municipal council and the former member of the right-wing Freedom Party, Ernaud Van Dorn, has announced his conversion to Islam through his account on Twitter last week, without delving into the circumstances of this sudden conversion, especially after being known for his declarations that oppose the spread of Islam over Europe.
Dorn wrote the Shahadah (The Muslim testimony that no one to be worshiped except God and Mohammed is His messenger) on his personal account on Twitter, to spread wild news across the Dutch daily newspapers and websites, and which was also addressed by the Belgian press, as reported by Netherlands International Radio.
The man was previously know for his hostility and severe hatred against Islam, which erupted tens of questions by his followers about his conversion, but Dorn stressed in his account on Twitter that he had converted to Islam already and he does not wish to delve more into the details of his conversion, as it is “a personal matter and should have privacy.”
In the same vein, the site joop.nl confirmed the news talking about the conversion of Van Dorn to Islam, through a brief phone call followed the tweets. The site also contacted a Sunni mosque in the city of The Hague, which also confirmed that Van Dorn had visited the mosque in order to convert to Islam and that he had given permission for the mosque to permit this information.
The Dutch politician has expressed his condemnation on some replies of his followers who were mostly enjoying his anti-Islam tweets, saying that “it is unfortunate all these comments saturated with hatred and stupidity.” and thanked all those who supported and the gave positive reactions”.
Van Dorn was has been tagged as a key idea of anit-Islam in every election he fought, whether at the level of the Dutch parliament, the provincial council elections, municipalities, or the European elections.
Ironically, the mosque which confirmed the news of the conversion of Van Dorn to Islam, has been the subject of the right-wing Freedom Party extremists; as Fawaz Aljunied, the imam of the mosque, has been a target of attacks by the Dutch media and others of the Freedom Party, which Arnaud Van Dorn had been one of its most prominent figures.