

الأحد، 22 أبريل 2012

A Muslim women win the debate about Burqa

Hijab in Abrahamic religions ( Do Jew, Christian and Muslim women have to cover their hair


الخميس، 19 أبريل 2012

Canadian report recognizes that Islam will rule completely Europe

This report did not said how many Christians who converted to Islam from the West to give us the real ratio which is greater than that 
 many Christians in Germany converted to Islam

German Priest burns himself becoz to many converts to Islam
for that minority of extremists take responsibility to   Tarnish the image of Islam
by Terrorism, underdevelopment and oppression of women and Berber
to stop the spread of Islam in the West
using  media to tarnish Muslims
fight against Islamic countries face
development of hostility and hate to Islam in Western societies 

They told me Islam from the devil  

Captive Taliban embraces Islam

US Muslims, media, Islam

Misconceptions related to hijab, portrayed as a symbol of oppression for women, helped 
media to tarnish Muslims and their religion

 Feeling the pinch of growing hostility in their society, US Muslims are complaining of the negative media portrayal of their faith, spreading misconceptions about the religious minority and demonizing their life style

9/11 deception and cover up
Many Muslims say that Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has given ammunition to the media to demonize Muslims and their faith.
“He was not a scholar, he hadn’t written any [theological] books, he was not a religious leader,” we say, stressing that most Muslims opposed the 9/11 attacks

 Osama bin Laden was only a tool used by the Americans to justify their wars against Islam using the name of the "war on terror
ask ourselves who make 9/11
Al Qaeda or C I A to Tarnish the image of Islam  
Speaking the truth about 9/11
Flight 77 did NOT hit the Pentagon
They would like to extinguish the light of God with a blow from their mouths, but even though the unbelievers may dislike it, God has decided to let His light shine forever.

السبت، 14 أبريل 2012

The truth about ISLAM ! SHOCKING

Muhammad in the Bible !!! CHRISTIANS MUST SEE

we use our mind to know Muhammad in the Bible or not try that

the absolute truth about Muhammad in the bible - full movie 
Ahmed Deedat - What the Bible says about Muhammad

Mecca in The Bible

The truth about ISLAM ! SHOCKING

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