

الجمعة، 2 سبتمبر 2011

The Muslims Are Not The Enemy

The Muslims Are Not The Enemy
The Media is lying to you all the time 
B.A.Frémaux-Soormally says:
September 2, 2011 at 7:03 pm

The Muslims are indeed not the enemy!

EVERYTIME I set out to write about things I like or feel compelled to write about, my mind tells me that I am writing the ultimate truth. Yet, the more I read and research, the more truths I uncover, sometimes even improving or correcting the “truth” I previously accepted.

WHEN I returned from the U.S.S.R. in January 1968, I was free, so I thought, to finally read extensively at home as I never found time or had the will to visit the local colonial municipal CARNEGIE Library and was limited to my father’s quite rich private library who none of my older sisters and brothers seem to be interested in. My father had several huge encyclopaedia size books hand written by him in beautiful Urdu script, but the colonial public school system never taught us the Urdu language that would have enabled us to read them. As soon as I went into teaching – some French and Mathematics, but mainly Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Human and Social Biology and Agricultural science, I started visiting the American Embassy in order to read books, magazines and newspapers (some of which were even given free) not available elsewhere, not yet realising that the reading material was carefully selected and had only one purpose: indoctrination through manipulation and mind control.

YET, I managed to read in between the lines as well while others swallowed every bit of material that was made available to them as Gospel Truth. I started to study myself, my family, the people around me, the colonised nation and the world as a whole. What I discovered was a monstrosity that would have driven many completely mad. One of the first 200 page books I read was from Freud to Kinsey. I immediately saw the fraud without yet identifying it as being Jewish or Jewish engineered or controlled. Our own family doctor was a White European type person, Dr Harel, but it never came to our mind to ask if he was Jewish. My parents may have known that he was a practicing Catholic, but today I am asking myself if he was not just another Crypto-Jew.

ONLY later I came to understand that what Dr Harel and most other official doctors were practicing was not medicine, but just selling (prescribing) Jewish Corporate Pharmaceuticals that often poison while rarely prevent or cure any human ailment, which more often has social and spiritual causes and do not require any chemical re-adjustment or bombardment. I started studying human behaviour and found out that we were all being controlled by Corporations, Jews (I did not say Zionists), Freemasons, perverts, Godless despots posing as Christians and even Muslims.

WHEN I learned about all the lies I was taught about WWI, WWII, the Russian Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, the Freemasonic French Revolution, Napoleon and so on, I saw how one could get easily misled, but I still did not understand why so many (most of us) could be so easily misled. I studied some works by Pavlov and later I found out Western mad scientists, CIA and other diabolical agencies were experimenting on animals and even using their own people as guinea pigs in order to find out ways how to not only enslave the masses, control them but also MAKE THEM WILLING SLAVES all their lives! I also found out that modern technology is given to the people only by trickle while the military kept most of the discoveries secret and as weapons against the masses and the nations.

BRAINWASHING was a Soviet weapon of control, we were told by the Western media for the most part of the XXth century. But, the truth is that while the Soviets were practising a kind of brainwashing on its conquered territory representing some one sixth of the globe, the West was practising the worst kind of brainwashing on almost half of the conquered world, including Hindustan, Japan, Africa and Indonesia. Muslims would have been rightly perceived as the enemy when some Muslim army were at the doors of Vienna, but let be be honest and more serious about the facts of history. Muslims did not start WWI, WWII, the Russian Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the American War of Independence, the Vietnam War, the Korean and Japanese Wars, the Opium Wars, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombings, the genocidal wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, did not murder ten million Congolese, “six million” Jews, 1.5 million Armenians, 66 million Soviets, 3 million Cambodians, and so on.

SO, where did the West and its Allies get this “Muslims and Islam are the enemy”? From which Gospel did some Christians read this myth? Those Christians, instead of extending a charitable Christian hand to their Believing Brothers and Sisters in the same God, they found excuse after excuse not only not to do so allowing millions of them to be slaughtered like cattle, to be tortured, imprisoned, humiliated and persecuted, but also to add insult to the injury by telling lies about both Islam and Muslims in general. One day they will have to stop because the War is not only against Islam and Muslims but also against Christianity and authentic Christians who refuse the Jewish and Atheist diktat on their nations and churches.

I AM sad to see right here on The Ugly Truth that instead of preaching the universal sisterhood and brotherhood of humans, a few Bible thumpers are still writing lies about Islam and Muslims. I sent pictures of burnt and mutilated bodies of Muslims from Gujarat, the Balkans, Algeria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and the deformed babies of Iraq to the Prime Minister of Mauritius and to the Catholic Diocese of Port-Louis because they were supporting Israel, India, the UK, France and the US, but I did not receive even any acknowledgement. We have too few people of real compassion, too few people who really worship the GOD OF LOVE AND MERCY.
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