

السبت، 3 سبتمبر 2011

Speaking the truth about 9/11

Anti-Defamation League: Speaking the truth about 9/11 is anti-Semitic
Being labeled an “anti-Semite” is an honor these days.  All it means is someone who is against the Jewish criminal gang that dominates the global power structure.  In our Orwellian world, “anti-Semite” and “American patriot” are actually synonymous.  Simply accurately describing the most influential faction of the crime gang that sits atop the global power structure, which controls the United States government, media, and banking system, is anti-Semitic according to a lot of people, and that’s fine with me.  We need to continue to point out that these are the same people who did 9/11, and if that’s anti-Semitic, so be it.
Stating these obvious facts is not the most politically correct thing to do, but it needs to be said if we are ever going to regain control of our country and our future.  I get e-mail updates from the Anti-Defamation League, and in the latest e-mail I came across this article entitled, “Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later.”
Being the raging anti-Semite that I am, I was really interested in this article.  In the introduction, the ADL laments the fact that people actually know who pulled off the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOBon 9/11:

    In the ten years since the September 11 terrorist attacks on America, conspiracy theories surrounding the attacks have become an entrenched propaganda industry. These assaults on memory and history attempt to place blame for the attacks on sources other than Al Qaeda, such as the U.S. government. Prominent among such 9/11 conspiracy theories are those that make the anti-Semitic claim that Jews—whether Israeli, American, or both– were involved in planning and executing the attacks. This anti-Semitic faction is only a part of the so-called “9/11 truth movement,” yet it is vocal and pervasive, particularly on the Internet.

That’s right, it’s anti-Semitic to state the fact that the only people actually arrest on 9/11 were Jewish spies and military operatives directly from Israel.  It’s now common knowledge that federal agencies of the United States government actually uncovered an elaborate, sophisticated, and state sponsored espionage operation involving Israeli intelligence and military operatives posing as art students as a cover for engaging in espionage at numerous federal facilities, buildings, and military bases.I’d like to present the Detailed Summary (beginning on page 49) of the Gerald Shea Memo, which was prepared for the National Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission), the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the House Permanent Committee on Intelligence in September of 2004 shortly after the 9/11 Commission released it’s report coverup:

    Set forth below is a detailed summary of the tentative conclusions reached in this memorandum, which amply illustrate the urgent need for a public inquiry into the activities of the Israeli DEA Groups and the Israeli New Jersey Group. The inquiry must include, without limitation, the examination of members of the Israel Groups and related persons; officials of the Israeli government and certain of its agencies, including Mossad; FBI suspects, agents of the DEA, the INS and the FBI; certain local law enforcement officials; agents of the CIA (in camera to the extent required); other intelligence sources cited by the public press to the extent possible; the boxes of documents and computer hard drives (referred on page 29) seized by the FBI from the Israeli New Jersey Group; and of all other relevant documents, reports, communiqués and information.–

    1. The Israeli DEA Groups were spying on the Drug Enforcement Agency and thus upon the United States. The DEA itself has concluded that they were probably engaged in organized intelligence gathering on our soil.

    2. A highly regarded American journal knowledgeable about Israeli affairs, has concluded (a) based on its own sources, that the Israeli DEA Groups were spying on radical Islamic networks suspected of links to Middle East terrorism, and (b) based on the representations of a former American intelligence official regularly briefed on these matters by law enforcement officials, that (i) at least two members of the Israeli New Jersey Group were Mossad operatives, (ii) Urban Moving, the company used by the Israeli New Jersey Group, was a front for Mossad and its operatives, and (iii) the Israeli New Jersey Group was spying on local Arabs.

    3. The intelligence sources of a substantial American television network report that the Israeli DEA Groups may have gathered information about the September 11 attacks in advance, and not shared it with the United States. One investigator said that evidence linking the Israeli DEA Groups to such intelligence gathering was classified and could not be disclosed.

    4. The Israeli DEA Groups were comprised of 125 or more Israelis operating on our soil. Their leaders and apparent associates included military commanders and experts with military backgrounds in intelligence, electronic intercepts and telecommunications.

    5. The wiretapping and intelligence expertise of members of both Israeli Groups, and the use of vans in local neighborhoods where the future hijackers were planning the attacks, and the extensive use by the hijackers of cell phones and land lines, made the Israeli Groups ideally suited to gather information regarding the hijackers’ plans.

    6. The principal operation of the Israeli DEA Groups was located in and around Hollywood, Florida, the central training and staging ground for the hijacking of North and South Tower Planes and the Pennsylvania Plane. The addresses and places of residence of the members of the Israeli DEA Groups in Hollywood itself were within hundreds of yards those of the future hijackers.

    7. The operations of both the Israeli New Jersey Group and the hijackers of the Pentagon Plane were centered in Hudson and Bergen Counties in New Jersey, within a common radius of about six miles.

    8. All five celebrating members of the Israeli New Jersey Group arrested on September 11 were aware, when the North Tower Plane struck the World Trade Center, based on their immediate reaction to the attack and the information said to be contained in their van, that the attack had been planned and carried out by Arab terrorists.

    9. After being questioned by the FBI on September 11, the leader of the Israeli New Jersey Group immediately fled the United States to Israel. His name and aliases appear, along with those of the hijackers and other FBI suspects, on the May 2002 FBI Suspect list.

    10. Israeli intelligence officials have reported that two senior officials of Mossad warned the United States in August 2001 that as many as 200 terrorists on American soil were planning an imminent large-scale attack on high visibility targets on the American mainland. One press report states that in August Mossad provided the CIA with the names of future hijackers Khaled al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi.

    11. The CIA’s explanation of how Mihdhar’s and Hazmi’s names were placed on the Watchlist through the
    spontaneous efforts of CIA and FBI agents is not only difficult to follow but, as the sole reason for the Watchlisting, hardly credible.

    12. Mossad’s own information appears to have come from its sources inside the United States. All of the facts and circumstances set forth in this memorandum appear to show that Mossad’s two likely sources of information were: (a) the Israeli DEA Groups, comparable in number to that of the Arab suspects and who appear to have tracked the future hijackers in their central places of operation and in other states, and (b) the Israeli New Jersey Group, operating through their Mossad front in another principal locus of operations of the future hijackers, two of whom were Mossad agents, and five of whom appeared immediately aware of the origin of the attacks on September 11.

    13. While little direct evidence supports the contention that the CIA was aware of or condoned the Israeli Groups’ tracking of Arab terrorist groups in the United States prior to September 11, the CIA’s pressing for the expulsion of members of the Israeli DEA Groups when they were detained before September 11, their failure to cooperate with the FBI, their circuitous explanation of how the above two hijackers were placed on the Watchlist, and other relevant considerations require that the issue be taken up as a part of
    the public inquiry into these painful events.

Pointing out these inconvenient facts is clearly anti-Semitic.  The article goes on to describe the evolving nature of anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists:

    The most prominent promoters of these anti-Semitic conspiracy theories today tend less often to be white supremacists and right-wing anti-Semites. Rather they are more commonly members of a group of anti-Israel conspiracists who see the 9/11 attacks as one of a series of “false flag” operations that Israel has carried out to manufacture a war against its Muslim enemies (the term “false flag” operations refers to acts of sabotage or terror conducted by one perpetrator but designed to appear as if conducted by another, with the goal of setting the victim at odds with the false perpetrator).

How irrational that these anti-Semites “see the 9/11 attacks as one of a series of “false flag” operations that Israel” has carried out to frame the Muslim world!  Why would anyone think that?Well, the Israelis have a long history of engaging in these sort of false flag attacks. From The Outrage: The Bombing of the King David Hotel:

    On the morning of the 22nd of July 1946 a party of between 15 and 20 Jews, dressed as an Arabs entered the King David Hotel. The hotel housed the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and Headquarters of the British Forces in Palestine and Transjordan. The terrorists were able to enter the building without arousing too much attention because part of the building was still being used as a hotel and other people frequented it. The Jews pretended to be an Arab working party. Having unloading from their lorry several milk churns filled with 225 kilogram’s of explosive, they placed them in the basement of the wing of the hotel occupied by the Secretariat.

    A British officer standing nearby, one Major Mackintosh, became suspicious of this group of Arabs and began to ask questions, but was suddenly gunned down by a member of the Jewish gang and subsequently died. [...]

    There was no time to evacuate the building and the charge exploded with devastating effect. Many were killed instantly as the whole wing of the building collapsed about them, others were trapped and many more injured.

Remember the Lavon Affair in 1954?

    The Lavon affair (“Esek Habish” – the shameful affair) was one of the most bizarre chapters in Israeli history. In 1954, the Israeli secret service set up a spy ring in Egypt, with the purpose of blowing up US and British targets. The operation was code-named “Susanah.” The terrorist hits were to be blamed on the regime of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser, with the purpose of alienating the US and Britain from Egypt and Nasser and somehow preventing Egyptian nationalization of the Suez canal. The ring was discovered.

    Strict censorship ensured that that the Israeli public officially knew little or nothing of the affair for many years.

Or the Israeli false flag attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, 34 killing American sailors?

    When U.S.Navy sailor Phil Tourney saw Israeli planes circling the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, he and his crewmates thought nothing of it. The Israelis waved at the crew and the Liberty crew, waved back. The USS Liberty was a unique vessel, unlike any other in the world, with a large tower and radio dishes used for eavesdropping, so the chance it could be mistaken for an “enemy” vessel were zero. The oversize U.S. flag and the large ID numbers painted on the ship also made identification of the ship possible from miles away.

    Imagine the shock and horror when the Israelis attacked the lightly armed intelligence gathering vessel in broad daylight. A torpedo was fired and struck the Liberty dead on. Israeli aircraft strafed the men aboard and dropped napalm on the decks. Torpedo boats machine-gunned the crew as they tried to rescue wounded U.S. servicemen. The Israelis even shot up life rafts to prevent any escape.

The article goes on to describe the evolution of these anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theorists, and their main talking points:

    The most popular conspiratorial allegations include the following:

    The Mossad was behind the attacks. Variations of this theory assert that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, was behind the 9/11 attacks; the “proof” is the “five dancing Israelis” arrested on 9/11
    who were allegedly celebrating as the Twin Towers burned. Although this theory has circulated since 2001, the initial scenario painted the five Israelis as “spies” who knew that the attacks were going to happen and chose not to inform the U.S government. Over time, the theory evolved and today proponents claim that the five Israelis were actually directing the attacks and began dancing when they realized that their mission of creating a false flag operation had been accomplished.

    Jewish neo-conservatives were behind the attacks. Proponents of this theory claim that neo-conservative American officials of Jewish faith within the Bush administration, particularly Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, methodically worked out a plan, with the assistance of the Mossad, to carry out the attacks in order to benefit Israel. This theory alleges that these officials orchestrated a plan well before 9/11, with the goal of invading Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries to allow the U.S. and Israel to seize control of resources and power in that area.

    The Jewish controlled media and government work to prevent the truth from emerging. The “truth” about Israeli and Jewish involvement in the 9/11 attacks will not be allowed to emerge, claim conspiracy theorists, because Jews were in charge of the 9/11 Commission report and actually control the media and government.

    In addition to these key themes, a multitude of lesser conspiracy theories also continue to circulate.
    These range from an alleged Israeli art student spy ring keeping track of the hijackers before the attacks, to Israeli companies controlling U.S telecommunications, to Jewish owners wanting to gain financially from the destruction of the World Trade Center complex.

Well, we do know that some of the Israeli spies arrested on 9/11 were Mossad operatives (and all of them appear to be former military specialists), including three of the 5 “dancing Israelis” discovered filming the attacks on 9/11. We also know that many of the neoconservatives in the Bush administration, including Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, and others, were American Jews with direct ties to Israel, and many of them even had dual citizenship with Israel.  Many of these individuals have been alleged to have engaged in espionage for the state of Israel in the past, and were involved in publishing various policy papers advocating and preparing for a scenario that just happened to come about on 9/11.

We also know that the Jewish controlled media and U.S. government work very hard to keep the truth about 9/11 from reaching the American public.  But their propaganda efforts are extremely poor, and their effect is wearing off on the American people as more and more of us are waking up each day to these facts.

We also know that there was indeed an Israeli art student espionage and drug smuggling ring operating in the United States prior to 9/11, and that these Israeli military/intelligence operatives were actually surveilling the alleged Arab
terrorists blamed for 9/11 in addition to spying on federal agencies of the U.S. government around the country.  Further, credible sources have alleged that the Mossad was actually running the Arab hijacker patsy cell that was later blamed for the 9/11 attacks:

    British intelligence reported in February 2002 that the Israeli Mossad ran the Arab hijacker cells that were later blamed by the U.S. government’s 9/11 Commission for carrying out the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. WMR has received details of the British intelligence report which was suppressed by the government of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.

    A Mossad unit consisting of six Egyptian- and Yemeni-born Jews infiltrated “Al Qaeda” cells in Hamburg (the Atta-Mamoun Darkanzali cell), south Florida, and Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates in the months before 9/11. The Mossad not only infiltrated cells but began to run them and give them specific orders that would eventually culminate in their being on board four regularly-scheduled flights originating in Boston, Washington Dulles, and Newark, New Jersey on 9/11.

Finally, we do in fact know that Israeli telecommunications companies control U.S. telecommunications and that the Jewish owners of the World Trade Center complex profited tremendously from the destruction of the towers on 9/11. It’s telling that the ADL article never actually disputes any of this, just labels it anti-Semitic.  How typical.  Hey Abe, your tired canards don’t work anymore

realted links
 Images of children maimed by U.S. weapons in Iraq 
american crimes in iraq by photo 
the truh of ISRAEL

Flight 77 did NOT hit the Pentagon
war on terrorism    

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