

السبت، 11 أغسطس 2012

Men Who Embraced Islam

Men Who Embraced Islam

    Abdul Aziz (formerly Jermaine Boddy)
    Ali Muhammad Mori (Japan)
    Christopher Shelton
    Colonel Donald S. Rockwell (U.S.A.)

Abdul Aziz (formerly Jermaine Boddy) Taken from Voice of Islam
He was born Jermaine Boddy and was raised in Charleston, West Virginia, United States, as a Baptist Christian as were his parents and their parents and so on and so forth. He narrates how in the letter below how he converted to Islam:

As a youth I attended Church and Sunday School regularly until my adolescent years when girls and running around suddenly became more important to me. I consider myself as "sinful" when I was on the street, but I was always conscious of Allah, or I may say God in those days and used to ask forgiveness on occasions for my sinful deeds in vain by the way I had been taught, "in the name of Jesus", may Allah forgive me. I continued on in my sinful ways despite a number of events in my life that were very life threatening such as drugs, being shot in the head, loss of jobs, and family and friends dying. Only after my incarceration did I begin to seek refuge in Allah and I was "saved" while incarcerated in the county jail. Even then as I faithfully read my Bible and prayed every night before I went to bed, there were still some doubts in my mind as far as the Christian faith was concerned. I continued to try to live my life as Christian when I came to prison but eventually went back to my old ways of my lower self. Again after several years of constantly staying in and out of trouble worrying about worldly matters and confronting frustration I began going to Church again but only half–heartedly. I really enjoyed the singing and also the eloquent speech of the preacher Reverend Hightower but there were always unanswered questions which I still cannot understand. The more I think about it the more outrageous it sounds. "Jesus died on the cross for the whole world’s sins". I seek Allah’s forgiveness.

Even though I was still confused, I held on to Christianity and started to seek knowledge elsewhere. I had been introduced to Al-Islam briefly while on the streets by a friend whom was not very knowledgeable or righteous but yet I somehow was drawn to this religion back then. I can remember telling my mother that I wanted to be a Muslim after hearing the Ayas of the Holy Qur’an. She dismissed it by saying I did not know what I was talking about which I did not but somehow I knew that this was the True religion.

I had attended the Jumu’ah on a couple occasions with a brother named Islam and then again with one of my home boys but never really understood what was going on because I was not paying any attention. Sometime later, I then asked a friend, Shahid Qazi to place my name on the Callout to attend Jumu’ah but for the wrong reasons. My intentions were to just get out of going to work in the afternoons on Fridays. Actually I began to stay and listen to the Khutabah and after a short while some of my previous questions were starting in to be answered. I would continue to attend reverend Hightower’s services on Thursday nights and then go to Jumu’ah on Fridays for at least nine months and over the last part of those nine months I began to ask Allah to show me the straight path because although I still proclaimed to be a Christian I knew that Islam was a true religion. Slowly Islam touched my heart and I stopped attending the Christian services there shortly after I took my Shahadah (Masha-Allah) and my life changed drastically ever since!

Brother ‘Abdul Aziz is a young of 28 years of age from West Virginia and have learned his Salat, Kalima, Du’a Qunut, couple other Du’as, and many Surahs along with all alphabet of Arabic.

Brother ‘Abdul Aziz took his Shahadah just seven months back but has learned a lot and also is serving the Sunni Muslim Community as an Amir of Da’awah and Assistant Security. May Allah keep him strong. Ameen

Ali Muhammad Mori (Japan) Social Worker and Preacher Taken from Islam, Our Choice
About 18 years ago I was in Manchuria where Japan was still wielding power. It was in a desert near Pieching that I first came across a group of Muslims. They were leading a pious life and I was deeply impressed by their way of living and by their attitude on life. This impression became deeper and deeper as I traveled into the interior of Manchuria.

I returned to Japan --- a defeated country --- in summer of 1946 and I found that the situation in Japan had changed altogether. There was tremendous change in the realm of thinking of the people. Buddhism which was the faith of the majority of Japanese, was thoroughly corrupted and instead of providing salvation it was exerting an evil influence upon society.

Christianity, after the war had made rapid strides in Japan although it existed there for the last 90 years but it had remained as a formal religion only. At first Christianity seemed to be accepted by the innocent, pure and simple young people who in a way had `killed' their love for Buddhism, but to their great disappointment they soon found out that behind the cover of Christianity there existed the network of British and American capitalist interest. Christianity which has been given up in Christian countries is now being used for export, to serve their capitalistic interest.

Japan is geographically located between Russia on the one hand and America on the other and both wish to exert their influence on the Japanese people. None can offer a lasting and happy solution to the spiritually disturbed Japanese people.

To my mind it will be the doctrine of Islam and none other that undoubtedly offers the much sought solution. Particularly I am appreciative for the fraternity in Islam. All Muslims are brethren unto one another and God has enjoined that they should live in peace and harmony with each other. I believe that it is this type of `Brotherhood' which is so vital and needed most by the world today.

Last summer three Muslims visited Tokushima. They had come from Pakistan and it was from them that I learnt a great deal about Islam and what it stands for. Mr Motiwala in Kobe and Mr. Mita in Tokyo came to my help and I embraced Islam.

Last but not the least, I eagerly hope that one day the bonds of Islam will infuse new spirit amongst Muslims from every nook and corner of the world and this great message of God will resound once again with full glory from every land, so that the Earth becomes a Heaven to live in and God's creatures be really happy --- both materially and spiritually elevated as God does intend
I was born in lebanon,my father is druze(non-mslim) and my mother christian. I had all christian learnings from my christian school, and  my mother home encouraged me to learn more about jesus. This lasted till my late adolescence, when i realised that Bible,although a good book,did not penetrate to the depth of my Soul. It is the story of jesus and his actions ,but i could not find in it the majesty of the words of God.  So i asked God to guide me to his way,in any religion he chooses  for me,but since my home embiance is not favoring islam ,i could not imagine that God wanted me to be a Muslim. I was even very bothered to hear Azan or see any Islamic activity. After that , i travelled to russia to study ,there i lived with my Christian girlfriend. My neighbour was  muslim, sometimes he told me about Islam but as usual i could not hear anything about it.  One day, my girlfriend was in the bus,she heard people telling jokes about Islam,. she,herself ,did not like Islam but she asked them:"do You  know anything about true Islam " , they replied:"no", so she told them :"how can you judge a religion without knowing anything about it ?"

And she left. After that she asked our friend to bring her some translated books about Islam for her to know if the things told about islam are true or not. Meanwhile, i had this strange dream,that was the message of God that i waited for,the vision was so clear and not blurred as most dreams are.

I was in a green place,splendid in it's beauty,  the earth was totally green,beauty that i did not see anything like it before, then i saw in the sky ,the sun,the moon and a star between them. The dream ended when someone gave a piece of paper on which was written " 5 times a day and if i tell you azzen(pray) fa azzen(so pray)"  i woke from my dream very pleased by the visions but i did not understand the other sightings. So i asked my friend and he told me that muslims pray 5 times a day and the vision i saw is mentioned in koran in different souras,like youssef and kiyama(judgement day) when people will see the sun , the moon   together.

Since I did not read koran before, I was astonished that how something I saw was mentioned in the book of Allah, without this being a picture from my memory.

After that i took the koran and started to read it ,then i felt totally taken by this book, i felt the truth, the majesty behind each word, i  felt at last what can penetrate the deepest parts of my soul.

So my girlfriend (who felt the same attraction to the word of Allah) And I embraced Islam, and married after that. I do not say that only my dream made me a Muslim, this dream was only the message of God that i waited for. My knowledge of Islam and Koran teachings made me a Muslim. Anyway God does not want us to believe blindly in him, in Koran he asks us to test the truth of his book and to face it every time with the modern knowledge to believe that it is the truth.

God gave us our brains to think, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, if we have to check about Islam so check it from a good source to have the clearest idea about Allah, and stay far from those who are only trying to harm the book of Allah without knowing their true goal in that. My situation now is like someone who found a treasure and wants to share it with everybody.

I want to tell you how believing in God can change your life dramatically, how we can obtain this purity of soul, how we can enjoy life after knowing why we are in this life

Christopher Shelton
My conversion to Islam began in my eighth grade year. There was a Muslim student by the name of Raphael who first told me a little about Islam. At the time he was not so knowledgeable about Islam, but he put the initial interest in my mind which never went away.

In the ninth grade there was another student by the name of Leonard who claimed at one time or another that he was a Muslim but he was more or less a 5 percenter. The one thing he did do was to give me a pamphlet on true Islam which increased my interest in Islam. I didn't hear much more about Islam until my tenth grade year.

That year me and Leonard would sit in the back of geometry class and blame all of the world's problems on white people while we would exalt the status of black people above all other races. At that time in my life I thought that Islam was the religion for black people, but unfortunately the Islam I was talking about was nothing more than black nationalism with a slight touch of true Islam. It was very similar to The Nation of Islam. As time went on I began to see that my black nationalist views and my perception of what Islam was about became tired. It was useless to hate almost all white people and to blame this on Islam. Around the same time I totally denounced Christianity as my religion. I got tired of the unintelligible doctrines and the many contradictions within the religion.

The next year of high school I was conversing with a few students about religion and they told me to buy a Qu'ran so I did. I went to the nearest bookstore and bought a very poor translation of the Qu'ran but it was the first real look into the truth about Islam. Within a few weeks I took on the beliefs of a Muslim even though I hadn't taken shahadah yet. Most of what I was doing concerning Islam was wrong because I never had a chance to go to a masjid because my mother totally forbade it. As time went on I finally got an Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation of the Qu'ran which opened my eyes to so much about Islam.

In the meantime my mother was doing everything in her power to prevent me from embracing Islam. She took me to see her preacher three times which was of no avail. As time passed I began to learn more and more about Islam from various books I could get my hands on. I finally learned how to make salat correctly from one of these books. My mother was still trying her best to make me become a Christian again.

My mother and I would frequently argue about religion until one day my mother had enough and told my dad that I was going to have to live with him. He had absolutely no problem with this. The day after I graduated from high school I moved in with my dad. I can see now that my parent's divorce was actually a blessing in disguise. Their divorce provided me with a place to live in which I could practice Islam freely. My dad had no problem with my interest in Islam.

One day I called the Islamic Learning Center in Fayetteville and a brother by the name of Mustafa told me to come down for the Taleem (lesson) to learn more about Islam. Everybody was extremely hospitable and Mustafa even gave me a ride home. After three weeks of going to Jumuah (Friday congregational prayers) and Taleem I finally took my Shahadah on July 2,1995. Ever since then I have been an active member of the Islamic community. I am also very pleased to say that Raphael (the person who gave me my initial in interest in Islam) got back to Islam seriously and took shahadah a few months before I did. We still keep in touch even though he is in England.
October 28, 1996

Colonel Donald S. Rockwell (U.S.A.)
(Poet, Critic & Author)
The simplicity of Islam, the powerful appeal and the compelling atmosphere of its mosques, the earnestness of its faithful adherents, the confidence inspiring realization of the millions throughout the world who answer the five daily calls to prayer --- these factors attracted me from the first. But after I had determined to become a follower of Islam, I found many deeper reasons for confirming my decision. The mellow concept of life -- fruit of the Prophet's combined course of action and contemplation --- the wise counsel, the admonitions to charity and mercy, the broad humanitarianism, the pioneer declaration of woman's property rights - these and other factors of the teachings of the man of Mecca were to me among the most obvious evidence of a practical religion so tersly and so aptly epitomized in the cryptic words of Muhammad, "Trust in God and tie your camel". He gave us a religious system of normal action, not blind faith in the protection of an unseen force in spite of our own neglect, but confidence that if we do all things rightly and to the best of our ability, we may trust in what comes as the Will of God.

The broadminded tolerance of Islam for other religions recommends it to all lovers of liberty. Muhammad admonished his followers to treat well the believers in the Old and New Testaments; and Abraham, Moses and Jesus are acknowledged as co-prophets of the One God. Surely this is generous and far in advance of the attitude of other religions.

The total freedom from idolatry ... is a sign of the salubrious strength and purity of the Muslim faith.

The original teachings of the Prophet of God have not been engulfed in the maze of changes and additions of doctrinarians. The Quran remains as it came to the corrupt polytheistic people of Muhammad's time, changeless as the holy heart of Islam itself.

Moderation and temperance in all things, the keynotes of Islam, won my unqualified approbation. The health of his people was cherished by the Prophet, who enjoined them to observe strict cleanliness and specified fasts and to subordinate carnal appetites ... when I stood in the inspiring mosques of Istanbul, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Algiers, Tangier, Fez and other cities, I was conscious of a powerful reaction [to] the potent uplift of Islam's simple appeal to the sense of higher things, unaided by elaborate trappings, ornamentations, figures, pictures, music and ceremonial ritual. The mosque is a place of quiet contemplation and self-effacement in the greater reality of the One God.

The democracy of Islam has always appealed to me. Potentate and pauper have the same rights on the floor of the mosque, on their knees in humble worship. There are no rented pews nor special reserved seats.

The Muslim accepts no man as a mediator between himself and his God. He goes direct to the invisible source of creation and life, God, without reliance on saving formula of repentance of sins and belief in the power of a teacher to afford him salvation.

The universal brotherhood of Islam, regardless of race, politics, colour or country, has been brought home to me most keenly many times in my life and this is another feature which drew me towards the Faith.
From "Islam, Our Choice
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